Polish KG 5kg - Polishing mold powder for granite

  • 9 500.00грн.

The world leader is Klindeks polishing powder POLISH KG, which is ideal for dark and light granite. Polishing powder POLISH KG is considered universal because they can raise shine with the most common types of granites use.
Crystallization - a thermochemical process. With the use of the mold powder reacts with the stone. crystallization reaction is a calcium-containing stones such as marble, travertine, onyx, limestone.
Granit is a silicon containing rock. The mineralogical composition of the calcium is not included, and the crystallization reaction requires calcium. So talking about the granite crystallization is incorrect. Granite polished with a special diamond tools and abrasive powders. Polishing Powders can contain various particulate abrasive size, different composition.
When choosing a powder mold pay attention to the look of your stone, stone density, color
Mode of application:
  1. A small amount of powder, add water until a mushy mixture. Spread it evenly over the surface.
  2. This powder was applied by mechanical floor polishing machines (for use with 1000-2000 rpm)
  3. Rub white pad ZM to get the effect.
  4. In cases of slight vibration sensation when running on the machine, add a little water.
Consistency powder
Manufacturer country
The weight 5kg