Black COLORE BASE GENERAL 50 ml Dye for adhesives

  • 448.88грн.

Work material мрамор, гранит, агломерат, оникс, травертин, кварцит
Colour black
Manufacturer country
Volume 0,05L


The dyes are used for polyester and epoxy adhesives. Perfectly tints glue in your desired color. It has a wide palette of colors. Easy to mix.
The dyes can be of different colors:
  • White
  • The black
  • Brown
  • Red
  • Ocher
  • Green
  • Blue
Use Method:
  1. Choose the most suitable color or colors to achieve the desired shade.
  2. If you are new to using a pigment, it is recommended to mix the glue with the dye, and then add the hardener (but note that the addition of hardener can slightly change the color of the pre-prepared)
  3. The dye was added in small portions.
  4. It is recommended to use a small 5% of the dye of the adhesive weights.