Інтерскол УШМ від 400 оборотов кутова шліфувальна машинка

  • 8 200 грн.


Drills professional power tools for grinding, milling and cutting (straight grinder)
Professional bormashinku iispolzuyut for grinding, milling and cutting stone. It can also be used for grinding, polishing or etching of various types of material. Very easy to use. Suitable for home use, as well as in improvements to products ends shops. Quickly as possible to replace the cutters or disks. When you use gives the maximum number of revolutions of up to 32,000 rev / minute so suitable for different types of work. rate can be adjusted if necessary.
This machine has a spindle lock, which is very convenient. Lock button helps you ubezopasit accidental activation and injury.
Power 400W
50Hz frequency
The maximum number of revolutions - 32000.0 / min
Adjustable rotation speed from 6000-32000ob / min
a maximum diameter of 6.5 mm cartridge
Drill Mode intermittent - 15/5 min. (15 min -. work, 5 minutes - Pause.)
Additional features: adjustable number of revolutions, spindle lock, lock the power button.

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