
37 грн.

Перчатка рабочая - прорезиненная красно-черная

Перчатка рабочая - прорезиненная Перчатки рабочие предназначены для строите..

508 грн.

Holder for grinding abrasive Saitron d125

Holder for grinding abrasive Saitron d125   The holder is used f..

6 094 грн.

Connecting the clutch mechanism for Levighetor 600 polisher Connection Clutch

Connecting the clutch mechanism for Levighetor 600 polisher ..

1 886 грн.

Присоска вакуумная 1шт

В комплект входит 1 присоска 6 "с вакуумным насосом.предназначена для присасыван..

1 426 грн.

Straight grinder INTERTOOL 170

Drills professional power tools for grinding, milling and cutting (straight g..

8 200 грн.

Інтерскол УШМ від 400 оборотов кутова шліфувальна машинка

Drills professional power tools for grinding, milling and cutting (straight g..

1 426 грн.

Straight grinder 300 ROYCE

Drills professional power tools for grinding, milling and cutting (straight g..

2 369 грн.

Turbine (motor) for vacuum cleaner Soteco

Turbine (motor) for vacuum cleaner Soteco   Power-1400W &nbs..

6 144 грн.

Klindex 430mm brush for Levighetor 600 polishing machine

Klindex 430mm brush for Levighetor 600 polishing machine   This ..

110 грн.

Hardener for polyester adhesive

Hardener for polyester adhesive Special agent for polyester adhesives, al..

58 грн.

Diamond disk for Dremalya d2.2 cm (for cleaning the seams)

294 грн.

Diamond disk for Dremalya d2.2 cm (for cleaning the seams) 10

220 грн.

Rubber holder for grinding machines of medium hardness d125 PL

Rubber holder for grinding machines of medium hardness d125   &n..

1 230 грн.

Adapter for coolant

Adapter for coolant ..

51 грн.

Abrasive tool for dripping

Special attachments for grinding natural stone. Due to its diverse range of n..

61 грн.

Cutters for Dremel

Mills for CNC granite   Drills for manual engraving machines on ..

55 грн.

Grinding attachment for Dremel

Special attachments for grinding natural stone. Due to its diverse range of n..
Showing 61 to 77 of 77 (2 Pages)